Understanding Dwarf Planets Pluto and Haumea. From Conjunction in the 1950`s to the Square in the 2020`s. How Childbirth is Controlled.

Posted on 19th April, 2024


The Dwarf Planets symbolise various aspects of evolution, population trends, the Secrets of Life and the Duality. They also enable a longer foresight into human destiny. Being physically far out from the central Sun, although solar control remains, it is not as strong as it is with the inner planets like Venus and Earth.


Out there at the edge of the Solar System, there are massive tidal forces of a cosmic nature, hinting at a complexity our minds have not yet discovered… but we are close… very close. We know this because we have discovered the planets that represent this, so we are ready to take on their energy.


Haumea and Pluto formed a long running conjunction from 1944 – 1963 whilst Western countries were resonating to the post-war drum beat of procreation - the instruction to have babies and replenish their numbers. The former Western Allies were keen to maintain their strength and security by re-building tax coffers and armies.


Social demography officially recognises the years from 1946 to 1964 as those of the `Baby Boomers` (or Generation Jones in America), a large generation that continues to have a significant impact on the world’s economies and our planet’s population. Note the very close alignment between the official Baby Boomer years and the planet`s connection? In 1944 the planets joined and the first Boomer year is 1946. Remember it takes a year to conceive and then give birth?


Hindsight and more research now divide the Boomers into two groups: those born from 1944 to 1954, called Boomer 1`s, and those born from 1955 to 1964, called Boomer 2`s. This slow reclassification occurred because of emerging marked difference in principles. The Boomer 1`s valued meaningful philosophy over financial success. The Boomer 2`s (called Generation Joneses in the USA) reverse that, they value financial success over meaningful philosophy.


Other research considers the Boomer 2`s to have more balanced mainstream views, tempering idealism with cynicism. Yet more research cites consumer behaviour, values and attitudes. My thoughts… Astrologically, both groups have the Pluto Haumea conjunction and if we just concentrate on the issue of having babies, we can leave it at that. Together, Pluto and Haumea are critically implicated in the matter of population reproduction trends.


However, there was a Uranus Makemake conjunction from 1953 until 1957 and this is joined by Jupiter from mid 1954 to mid 1955. The time of the Baby Boomer 2`s.


That made the uncompromising, badass difference!


Let us consider some of the Makemake key words… Gung-ho, competitive and roving. Now Uranus… revolutionary, uncompromising, awakening and enlightening. Then Jupiter arrives, providing a carefree, expansive energy to the mix. No wonder this cohort contained the highest proportion of Brexit voters!


Unlike the Boomer 1`s, the Boomer 2`s went through early childhood with televisions and electrical goods (Uranus), which added a sense of discovery and worldly knowledge to their universe. Science fiction in the guise of Fireball XL5, Stingray and Thunderbirds appeared on screen from 1962, and these programmes fed the inborn, instinctive belief that space was NOT an empty vacuum – as they were being taught in schools.


Let`s fast forward to the present. According to the clockwork cycles of the Solar System, Pluto and Haumea engage again from 2022 – 2028, but this time there would be 90 degrees between them. (A square aspect in astrology.) This square will reveal the challenges in their joint endeavours, a time when the results of the events of the conjunction will be tested for any necessary adjustments. How has the Baby Boom thing worked out?


Let’s get the opinion of Sir Richard Attenborough? He has this to say “I have no doubt that the fundamental source of all our problems, particularly environmental ones, is population growth. I can’t think of a single problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve if there were less people.” That bad huh?


Countries in Asia and the African continent will contribute the biggest population growth during this century, but the developed countries can hardly start preaching to them now.


In my opinion, the six years that Pluto and Haumea are in square to each other offer the opportunity to get real and address over-population issues with the safe, and freely available, birth control methods that religious beliefs have denied women.


Surely it is better to prevent birth, than witness young death through poverty and starvation?


But still, the Roman Catholic church "forbids contraceptive use because it is a sin against nature". Surely the sin against nature is a human population that displaces nature itself? (Haumea also represents nature and the natural world.) 


The planetary deities sometimes offer us the opportunity to work with the winds of change that the planets are describing. Their `two-sides-of-the-same-coin` duality, a negative or positive aspect to the same issue, means that we have choices. This is where our free will presides.


With regard to birth control or birth promotion, new choices are available to us now. What do you think?




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